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Page history last edited by Edith 9 years, 5 months ago

English lessons



1. What's the time? (present simple) (form 6) I. Maadvere

2. Grammar Revision 1 (form 7-10) K. Salum

3. English speaking countries (form 9-10) A. Kaljurand

4. Grammar Revision 2 (form 6) C. Kosk

5. Grammar Revision 3 (form 3-4) H. Tamkivi

6. Revision 1 (form 7) H. Salum, I. Maadvere

7. Revision 2 (form 8) C. Kosk, I. Maadvere

8. Tenses (form 6) C. Kosk, I. Maadvere

9. Present Perfect Simple (form 5) I. Maadvere

10. Present Perfect Simple, Past Simple (form 5) I. Maadvere

11. Translation "Malaria? In Canada?" (form 5) I. Maadvere

12. Conditional (form 9) C. Kosk, I. Maadvere

13. London Tour (form 5) I. Maadvere

14. Revision 3 (form 2) I. Maadvere

15. Reading comprehension (form 8) C. Kosk, I. Maadvere

16. Different Grammar Topics (form 6) C. Kosk

17. Irregular verbs (form 5) M. Volar, I. Maadvere

18. Wales (form 8) M. Volar, I. Maadvere

19. Lunch in the pub - listening (form 7) M. Volar, I. Maadvere

20. Revision 4 (form 9) M. Volar, H. Salum, I. Maadvere

21. Crime (form 9) M. Volar, H. Salum

22. Prepositions (form 6, 7) C. Kosk

23. Comparison of adjectives, the USA (form 5) I. Maadvere

24. Passive voice (form 10) H. Salum, I. Maadvere

25. Conditional sentences (form 10) I. Maadvere

26. Articles - the definite article (form 6, 7, 9) C. Kosk, I. Maadvere

27. Grammar: present continuous, present simple, past simple (form 5) I. Maadvere

28. Irregular verbs (form 5) I. Maadvere

29. Dictations (form 5) I. Maadvere

30. Tenses Revision (Present Continuous, Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Perfect) (form 5) I. Maadvere

31. Present Perfect 2 (form 5) I. Maadvere

32. Past Continuous (form 5) I. Maadvere

33. Tenses Revision 2 (form 6) I. Maadvere

34. Past Simple, Past Perfect  Shopping in London (form 6) I. Maadvere

35. European countries M. Volar

36. Netiquette, countable and uncountable nouns (form 6) I. Maadvere

37. Future Simple (form 5, 6) I. Maadvere

38. Pronouns (form 5) I. Maadvere

39. Passive voice 2 (form 5-9) I. Maadvere, Julia ja Kärt 5.b

40. Past Perfect (form 6) I. Maadvere

41. Reported Speech (form 8-12) K. Salum, I. Maadvere

42. Relative pronouns (form 6) I. Maadvere

43. Reported Speech 2 (form 6) I. Maadvere

44. Free ebooks - Project Gutenberg (form 6-12) I. Maadvere

45. Phrasal verbs (form 10) E. Reemann

46. Describing people (form 6) I. Maadvere

47. Revision of irregular verbs (form 10) E. Reemann

48. Using a dictionary (form 9-10) K.Salum, H.Salum

49. Using a dictionary II (form 10) K.Salum, H.Salum

50. Question tags (form 8) E. Reemann






I love English 4


Ebareeglipärased tegusõnad http://quizlet.com/672160/irregular-verbs-3-flash-cards/ (I love English 3)



1. http://www.flo-joe.co.uk/fce/students/tests/tsindex.htm (form 9-12)

2. http://www.englishteststore.net/ (form 9-12)


Level Tests

1. http://www.learn4good.com/languages/english_level.htm

2. http://www.examenglish.com/leveltest/index.php

3. http://www.englishtag.com/tests/level_test.asp

4. http://www.answerenglish.co.uk/english-level-test.php

5. http://www.englishjet.com/english_courses_files/test_level.asp

6. http://www.transparent.com/learn-english/proficiency-test.html

7. http://www.uefap.com/test/default.htm

8. http://www.cambridgeesol.org/testyourenglish/

9. http://www.world-english.org/test.htm

10. http://www.kingsmore.co.uk/english-level-test.html












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